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About Me

Hello! I'm Arlys Alford, and my vocal exploration began at age 3, singing solos for Sunday morning service in a small town in the Midwest, later adding ballet and piano lessons to my artistic studies list. 


In high school I continued vocal performance in the concert choir and madrigal singers under the tutelage of a teacher who affected me so deeply with his love of classical choral music that it changed my life, although I wouldn’t realize it until much later.   


As a young artist I wrote, sang and performed with numerous original rock, pop, funk & blues bands while simultaneously acting, singing, dancing or choreographing stage musicals.

Without vocal training the constant acting, singing, addressing staff in meetings at work and leading groups took its toll. Using my voice improperly caused me to suffer from vocal fatigue until I could no longer utter a single tone or speak without cracking. I thought I'd never sing again, and I could forget enjoying the sound of my speaking or singing voice. I was devastated.


...............The real work of vocal training was just about to begin. 


With the help of a classically trained vocal instructor, I began to rebuild my voice from the ground up.  After devoting myself to consistency with the vocal exercises along with changing my vocal habits, the payoff was being able to sing all night without strain! My teacher encouraged me endlessly, even when my voice sounded like a frog! She took notice of my passion for translating how bel canto singing practices were a foundation adaptable to any style of vocal music, and encouraged me to begin coaching others. I remained with her for 6 years, refining the vocal techniques and honing the exercises. After moving to Los Angeles, my vocal studies expanded to include vocal pedagogy for an additional six years. My vocal transformation was such a massive life-changing event that it completely derailed what I thought was my course through this life. I happily and gratefully set upon the task of helping others release their authentic voices.


Life events, we've all had our share! I am humbled by all the knowledge each injury and challenge has taught me, including being wheelchair dependent on two occasions [once for 3 months and a second time for 1 year]. Those injuries led me to use a diverse array of tools including Pilates, Yoga and massage to redevelop the muscular structure supporting ambulation. I did learn to walk, run and dance again but there's an additional sweetness to this conquest. These are the exercises I will also share with you to help keep your voice healthy, and your body more relaxed.

Arlys Alford - Resume
Arlys Alford - References

Arlys in performance

Recovered Footage!!

Recovered Footage!!

Arlys in commercial work
I am a singing teacher for dancers, and a dance teacher for singers!

Shamelessly silly  marketing video
The Fineprint:
By watching this video you acknowledge & assume all responsibility for taking the risk that it may cause considerable damage your existing sense of humor.  Forever.

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